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Sleigh Ride Bedroom Set PG (boxed)

Sleigh Ride Bedroom Set PG (boxed)
Sleigh Ride Bedroom Set PG (boxed)
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***Save 10% off of our Marketplace price of this item by purchasing it at Potomac's inworld store! Please use the teleport link provided below.***

Potomac's Sleigh Ride Bedroom Set includes the bed, cuddle rug, palm plant, rug, nightstand, dresser and wall art. This is the PG version. Bed includes singles and couple cuddle animations. The cuddle rug also includes singles and couples cuddle animations. Click on the nightstand and dresser for rezzables.

Land impacts are as follows:

Sleigh Ride Bed 25

Sleigh Ride Cuddle Rug 3

Rug 5

Palm Plant 2

Sleigh Ride Nightstand 3 each
Rezzables in the nightstand:
Table Lamp 2
Poinsettias 2
Lanterns Red 3
Red Taper Candles 3

Sleigh Ride Dresser: 4
Rezzables in the dresser:
Berries/Branches 6
Christmas Floral Arrangement 2
Tin Trees 3

Reindeer Wall Art 1

Stop by Potomac to see it in person!

Second Life の商品を表示

L$ 1,060



Potomac Signature Homes
Potomac Signature Homes
販売元: Winter Loxely


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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