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Snowshoe Cat - Darks - MOD

Snowshoe Cat - Darks - MOD
Snowshoe Cat - Darks - MOD
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This is a Texture MOD for the TWI Wildcat Avatar and will NOT work for any other avatar.

There are 6 textures inside this box, 3 of them have snowshoe toes with a dark face and dark pads except the 3 front beans.
And 3 of the textures are essentially the same but with a little less dark face and limbs with a full white underbelly and white lines under the eyes and full pink nose and paw beans.

All the textures are also included as BOM [Universal] Layers as well. With Mod/copy perms.

These textures also have custom Normals and Speculars for the body and the - extras, nose, mouth, beans, etc) - It will require you to have Advanced Lighting enabled in order to notice these.

All the textures provided were hand painted by me and took a very long time, even the inside of the mouth and pawpads and nose have been completely retextured.

This MOD is inspired loosely off a snowshoe -Siamese cat mix, specifically a Chocolate point, And this is why all the textures state Chocolate in the name, despite maybe not actually being chocolate in color, **please pay attention to the images on the product before you buy in order to make sure the colors displayed are the ones you want.

Colors might differ from adpics depending on the lighting of where you are in secondlife.

Thank you for your interest in my product, feel free to contact me in-world if you have any questions or concerns.

Shades Tigerauge

  • 6 Texture Appliers
  • 6 BOM [Universal] Layers the same textures as the ones in the appliers
  • 1 applier and BOM [universal] with whisker dots, to tint the dots under whiskers

L$ 275



Cat Cult Inc.
Cat Cult Inc.
販売元: Shades Tigerauge


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。


TWI Wildcat Avatar アバターで作業する
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