Sweet's Velvet Skin for Classic Avatar - Tone 05 (tan)
System skin for Classic Avatars (and Mesh with BoM) in 1 tan skintone.
Please try the DEMO before you buy.
·Velvet Skin - 1 skintone, 3 cleavage options (no modify)
·Velvet Shape 05 - Average length M size (modifyable)
·BrowShaper (bald head) (modifyable)
·Free Fake Lashes - unrigged, worn on nose (modifyable) + Alpha
·BoM Quick Nailfix (Tone 05)
·Parted Lips Alpha
·Makeup - Tattoo Layers - Several options
·Manicure & Pedicure - Gloves & Socks Layer - 6 colors
·Pubic Hair - Tattoo Layers - 3 options
·Free Lingerie (black) - Underwear Layers
·Styling NoteCard
❀ Sweet Lyn
Beautiful Skin
Looks as good or even better than a lot of high price skins thank you!
Very Beautiful
This is a really beauriful skin, and I use it with my Mayitreya Body + LAQ Bento head =))
It fit's very well =))) Thank you =))
Das ist ein wirklich hübscher Skin, Danke =)))
L$ 1
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