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Sword Collection Sculpt v.13

Sword Collection Sculpt v.13

Sword Collection Sculpt V. 13

08 Full Permissions Sculpt Maps
10 Full Permission Prims
3 copy example Swords Full Perm!

Production Juarez Blade Copyright

What you can do:
1.You may use the sculpt maps you purchased in your own creations.
2.You may sell your creations which include the sculpt maps within your creation.
3.You may give your creations as gifts which include the sculpt maps within the creation.
4.You may use the prims included for examples only as a visual aid to assist with your creations.

What you can not do:
1.you may not sell or gift the sculpt maps or prims in their original texture/prim form.
2.you may not sell or gift your creations with sculpt maps or prims with full permissions. They must be Mod/Copy/NoTrans or Mod/ NoCopy/Trans
3.You may not sell or gift this set to anyone.

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