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T-3D Creations [ Lower body Woman Display - For SL Avatar UV Templates 001 ] Micro and Regular MESH - Full Perm

T-3D Creations [ Lower body Woman Display - For SL Avatar UV Templates 001 ] Micro and Regular MESH - Full Perm

You can use SL Avatar UV Templates

Mesh 100% / Full Perm / Micro and Regular Mesh

1 Prim / Land impact 1 EACH

Able to be Resized

Select 6 Faces


Lower body Woman Display 001 - Micro Mesh Object [ Full perm ]
Lower body Woman Display 001 - Regular Mesh Object [ Full perm ]
Alpha UV Map [ Full Perm ]
Alpha Shadow Map [ Full Perm ]
Textures ( Metal, Sample Skin ) [ Full Perm ]
Note Card

This item can be retextured if you wish to apply your own textures.
SELECT THE FACES you wish to change and replace the textures you like.
[ Right Click it and select the tab 'Edit'.
Note the radio buttons upper left in the Edit-windows and Click 'Select Face'. ]

How to become creator of a linkset:
Step 1. Find the build in question in your inventory and rez it on the ground.
Step 2. Click the "Build" button and create a prim next to the build.
Step 3. Your prim MUST be the root of the linkset. Select the build and while holding the "Shift" key, click on the prim and link them together (Ctrl+L).
Step 4. Select the build and mark the "Edit linked parts" option. Click on your prim (the root) and move it to the center of the build. Resize it as needed.
Step 5. Done. Now, your name should be listed as the creator of the build.

Please have your LOD level enabled and set to high or 4 for best viewing.

Step 1. Hold down the ctrl + alt + the letter "d" button.
Step 2. Click Advance located at the top of your screen in-world.
Step 3. Look towards the bottom until you find Debug Settings.
Step 4. Type rendervolumeLODFactor inside the blank space.
Step 5. Erase the default amount.
Step 6, Type 4 and press enter.
Step 7. Steps Completed. Repeat step one to close Advance tool (Optional).


You are not allowed to give or sell these Mesh and textures, or parts of them in any kind full permission away.
Not allowed giving mesh and textures with full permission to another avatar,ALT avatar,friends,partners.
You must not share/sell/distribute my products as “freebies” or as gifts in events like Midnight Mania and all.


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By T-3D Creations
All products are MESH 100% full perm.

T-3D Creations
Hanti Loxely

JUNE 06, 2015