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TA Purple Balloon Fountain Deluxe 2012

TA Purple Balloon Fountain Deluxe 2012
TA Purple Balloon Fountain Deluxe 2012
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TA Purple Balloon Fountain Deluxe 2012. The next generation of TA Hardware Fountains!

TA RAZZLE DAZZLE Balloon Fountain Deluxe.

Razzle Dazzle Fountain Deluxe has been designed to be a modular system that will give you options and flexibility now and in the future!

Simple to use with 3 differant command options:

1- Simply touch the box and the balloon fountain will start. Touch again and it will stop.

2- Type in the local chat and say: /colornameon and the the balloon fountain will start. Type in local chat and say: /colornameoff and the fountain will stop. EXAMPLE: /whiteon
You can be at a distance and turn the fountain on and off, no need to touch.

3- Here's where the fun begins. Set several Deluxe fountains about and type in the local chat and say: /allon and all of the fountains will start! To stop type in: /alloff

That's it.

As you can see there are multiple options available to create your own fountain display. And with the future expansion modules the options will be unlimited!!!

Thank you for taking the time to explore Razzle Dazzle. And ENJOY!

Place all around, great for all parties, holidays and events!

NOTE: Depending on the SIM you are in and/or your computer there could be a delay in REZZING. Just be patient :-)

NOTE: The scripts are no copy & no mod and fireworks are no mod & nocopy.

See my other particle fireworks, fountains and emitters on the Exchange >>>>

  • Touch on/off
  • Chat
  • Multi

L$ 10



TA Hardware
TA Hardware
販売元: msw Tomorrow


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土地の負荷: 1