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TD Belted Corsete Gothic female outfit incl. Boots

TD Belted Corsete Gothic female outfit incl. Boots

TD Belted Corsete Gothic female outfit :

Belted Corsete with chest tattoo and gloves-
(in jacket,shirt and undershirt layers )
belted corsete top (in shirt and undershirt layers),
sexy black mini jacket,
hotpants-corsete lower in underpants layer too,
hotpants with belt-corsete lower 2 in underpants layer too,
flexy long open skirt-kilt with belts and chain,
the skirt is resizeble,wear and touch it to resize,
latex stocking with transparent upper extension (in underpants layer),
latex stocking,gloves,
resizeble right and left arm dagger cuffs,
resizeble sculpty latex boots (wear with alpha)

High quality outfit,looking very sexy
and You can make many combinations to make the outfit looking different :)