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TGR - Metal - Orichalcum Set C boxed

TGR - Metal - Orichalcum Set C boxed

The Goddess Returns:

Metal - Orichalcum Set C

Orichalcum is the name of the fabled metal alloy extensively used in Atlantis. Its worth was said to be higher than gold. The inner circle of the fabled city was surrounded by a wall of orichalcum, which is a little strange, since walls are usually made of some kind of stone rather than metal. Anyway, it was supposed to be of a silvery-golden sheen. This is what I've tried to do here. Set A looks rather dark if you only use the diffuse maps, but the Normal and Specular maps are made so that it looks a lot brighter. I've made three sets, Set A being a sort of raw metal, Set B are walls, and Set C are ornamental tiles. (Interesting trivia: If you google orichalcum, you can find articles about a find in the mediterranean sea of some sort of metal alloy sticks which are supposed to be the real thing!)

All textures are 1024x1024. Most are fully tiling, some only horizontal, others only vertical.

Each set comes with Normal and Specular Maps, please read the included notecard for tips on how to use them.

  • metal textures
  • Normal and Specular Maps