Thank you for your interest in my work ... :)
* (For my shop, just type Naalyya in MP)
Very detailled textures on a Magic Sript for apply
(Hull + Cabins + Sails)
Script for texturing the I-Mocca 60 ONLY !
This Package does not contain the boat ! you need to purchase the TMS "I-Mocca 60" from The Mesh Shop.
Drop the bag on ground, clk on it ..and accept the Folder into your "Recents" ... Drop the Sail Box near the ship and clk on it ... Edit the Boat and drop the Hull Script into it ...That's all ..:)
I always try to put "life" in my boats ...
Graphic research and Details give that "Life" :
The ropes on the deck ... The decorations in the Cabins, a certain mess in the cockpit and the deck ... All the details that make the boat " Sailor and alive "...
For" Racers ", the search for sponsorship gives a Look similar to Offshore Races ...
BONUS : I offer you to modify (for free) the Template with the Rear plate for create your "Shipname" on the ship ..
Just adress me a note with the purchase transaction on MP .... And tell me the Name you desire (The space for name is not very large.. so dont ask me a too long name ..:)) ..
I think that 6 to 10 signs are nice ..:)
You will receve it soon as possible ;:)
I am of course at your disposal for any suggestions or requests that you would like to make to me ...;)
If you want a Texturing or a specific decoration, I will study the question to achieve it
Receive my best regards and my friendly smile for your interest in my Work .. :)
Naalyya ♥
- Kit Texturing 18 templates
- Hull + Cabins + Sails
- Magic Script for apply texturings Hull + Sails
- Bonus = Shipname on rear plate + Script Swing