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TTR-PT Stew Stove

TTR-PT Stew Stove

Authentic to Marie-Antoinette's Petit Trianon, this stew stove is a lovely example of an 18th century advancement that saw cooking move from a cauldron at the hearth to a stove with individual fireholes. These stoves allowed for a variance in temperature when cooking in a variety of pots.

In this Second Life version, hexagonal tiles grace the top while burnished dark bronze doors are fit for a queen's kitchen.

Touch for the HUD to turn the fire (low-lag animated) and the sound on/off. Please note that these scripts are copy only.

Photographed in Kitchen of the Petit Trianon; please note that this purchase includes ONLY the stove.

See it Inworld in the "Kitchen" of the Petit Trianon

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