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~Tableau Vivant~ Snowbunny - Tie & Dye

~Tableau Vivant~ Snowbunny - Tie & Dye

Snowbunny hair is mesh unrigged therefore can be repositioned and resized.
Scripts can be deleted via hud by clicking the first button of the menu located in the upper right corner of the hud.
Please remember to do a copy of the hair before to proceed.
Each pack contains:
- 1 unrigged mesh hair with static bunnies (low lag/photos);
- 1 addable animated bunnies head-pets xyz resizeable (scripted, can be laggy!);
- 1 unrigged mesh hair to apply along animated bunnies;
- 1 HUD with 30 tint options and 11 color changing bunnies.

Fatpacks contain 12 huds (11 listed plus an exclusive one, Chemistry, not available as single pack).