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Taxi NYC V5.2

Taxi NYC V5.2
Taxi NYC V5.2
1 レビュー

Professional builders, scripters, and textures are members our our team.

We aim to offer the best products with high quality.

What are the features of vehicles :

- Sculpted parts
- Full menu with all controls
- The owner can choose who drive the car (just owner, group, or everyone)
- Doors controls (open one or all in the same time)
- Textures are realistic and high quality
- Different gears (from low patrol to pursuit)
- Different sound motors depending of action
- Passenger mode
- Eject passenger feature
- Front wheels are turning and rotating
- Rear wheels are rotating while driving
- Pilot animation (when you drive, your avatar is animated)
- Vehicles are low prims, so no attachment
- Scripts are made to be lag free (tested)

taxi, taxis, yellow cab, yellow cabs

評価平均: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
  • 5 スター:
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  • 1 スター:
Way too big!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2016/09/08 : Raevyn Addams

The cab itself is massive, it's oversized and takes up the entire width of the road! Though it says it's mod there's no option to manually resize nor is the option in the menu provided. Scripts are around 21 which isn't overly bad but by no means is it 'low'. It looks 'chunky' and a touch amateurish, which could be rectified with mesh. Add that to the cost seems a tad high, and all in all I'm pretty disappointed. I'm generally not a fan of leaving negative reviews, but if these issues are rectified I'd be more than happy to edit this review. As it stands right now it needs improvement, sorry.


L$ 699



Police and Emergency store
販売元: Tupac Redstar


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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土地の負荷: 30