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The Blue Lady( 133LI, 16x25)

The Blue Lady( 133LI, 16x25)
The Blue Lady( 133LI, 16x25)
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This is another house inspired by the late 19th and early 20th century homes. I love how they dress up the exterior of their homes with decorative trimmings and so I've named this house The Blue Lady coz she is dressed in blue and white trimmings.

This house has 3 bedrooms and 1 usable attic.

This house fits a narrow 16x25 plot. The entrance has a long verandah/porch and it is big enough to put a chair or two. Inside it has a spacious living/dining area with a little balcony on the side. The kitchen is partitioned and there is a side door out to an open deck behind. There is a small patch of land where you can even add a small vegetable or herb garden.

Upstairs are 3 bedrooms with one of the room having a small balcony. On the third floor is the attic where a teenager might want to live in privacy. Except there is no door. So no privacy!

The house is 133 land impact and the optional landscaping is 53 land impact.

The Blue Lady is copy, mod, no transfer and partial mesh. Some scripts are no mod.

I have added rezzers and non-rezzers.

Please see the demo house at my in-world store:

L$ 700



Simple Things & FOREVER SUMMER
販売元: Moon Falconer


This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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