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The Creepy Teapot box

The Creepy Teapot box
The Creepy Teapot box
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I ran across this mesh teapot online and thought..since it is Creative Commons license..that I need to make it in Second Life.

Touch the teapot to access the menu of 30 Halloween themed drinks..some are throwable..some are not.

This teapot is entirely mesh and has a land impact of 4 prims at the size delivered. It has a built in resize script, but be aware that changing the size of a mesh prim can change the land impact of it too.

As with all our work, we will be happy to customize it for you for an additional fee if you contact Kittycat in world.

By the way, custom means we do different textures on the decanter or barrel, and perhaps on the cups/mugs/horns/glass inside plus edit the chatter the cup does. We are more than happy, at no additional fee, to change out any drink in any of the decanters for any others. We have no way of knowing what you like to drink, and do not consider taking a barrel we have made up and shifting the drinks in it to something else as custom. That is just good customer service.

Kittycat Ninetails
JohnQ Ballyhoo

Second Life の商品を表示
  • menu driven
  • resizeable

L$ 399



KittyCat''s Creations
KittyCat''s Creations
販売元: KittyCat Ninetails


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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  • コピー
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  • 再販・プレゼント
  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 4