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*Tin Teddy* Animated Guard Dog - Mastiff - V4

*Tin Teddy* Animated Guard Dog - Mastiff - V4
*Tin Teddy* Animated Guard Dog - Mastiff - V4
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These have been one of my best sellers in my store Marketplace too!

This handsome Mastiff is a low-prim, low-cost addition to your home, store, club or land.

Firstly - he is not 3d, he is flat. But he is NOT your average alpha cutout!

This Tin Teddy Guard Dog has original, home-made textures. He has a proper front and back and is smoothly animated, so he looks realistic and attractive, wherever you choose to let him live.

In return for a loving home, your guard dog will keep track of your visitors for you.

Just touch him and choose from the pop-up menu whether you would like him to bark, growl or be quiet when people come near him. You can also use the menu to find out who has been near since you last checked and to clear the list. You can also choose how big an area he should be checking, and how much memory he has left. He can rememeber a lot of names, don't worry, but if his memory does start to get a full, he will warn you, then, if you don't clear it for him, he will do so when he has to.

You can also rename your dog from the menu.

He is also fully house-trained and will not leave puddles - guaranteed.

There are other breeds available on Marketplace.

As they are totally 'home-made' I can make custom breeds/colours too. Or other species of guard-animals :-) If it is something I can sell in my store, I will make your custom for free. If you want something just for you, then we can discuss a suitable fee. Just IM me and ask!

All the guard dogs, plus many other animals are available from my Tin Teddy Textures store in Trabushkja.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Unique, Original Textures
  • Smoothly Animated
  • Realistic
  • Just 1 Prim
  • Keeps track of your visitors

L$ 150



Tin Teddy by Elgyfu Wishbringer
Tin Teddy by Elgyfu Wishbringer
販売元: Elgyfu Wishbringer


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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