Tipsy Tip Jar (The Menu controlled * Wandering * Original TipJar ) C/M/T Personal Tip J
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Forget that tip jar that just sits and looks good in one spot. This one will wander around and look so dam cute they will have to tip.
Works great for grabbing attention on the Beach or just in your Club!
Enjoy my new animal art!
Oh the face is animated randomly to be as cute as Tipsy can Be!
Comes with Cute Slogan "Save the Ocean Tip the Seal"
Menu controls Wander, Stay in one spot, Friend controlled, Owner Controlled and more!
This is a Menu Driven Wandering Seal Tip Jar with Goal and Progress Meter for the owner.
The Seal Will Wander Around your Sim and collect your tips.
The Seal is Fully Mod, The Tip Script is fully Mod, The Menu Driven Seal Controls and animations are copy/no transfer/no mod