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Treasure Finder for Meeroos (Fodder Finder Ivy) バージョン 1.23

Treasure Finder for Meeroos (Fodder Finder Ivy)
Treasure Finder for Meeroos (Fodder Finder Ivy)
10 レビュー

September 2012: This current version does work with the new 'Nocturnal' collectibles. No update is needed! Thanks. ~Sturm.

The Kassturm 'Fodder Finder Ivy' is a companion utility that alerts you to collectible treasures that your Meeroo dig up. Currently, the Meeroo will send you a personal message when a treasure has been found... but you will usually only receive this message if you are on the same sim as your Meeroo at the same time that the treasure is discovered! Think of all the treasures and regard lost as you lead your SL life away from your home parcel!

~ Treasure finder/scanner for Meeroo's collectibles. Works with both original & Nocturnal collectibles.
~ Instant Message and/or Dialog Box Alerts about new collectibles, regardless of where you are on the grid!
~ Can alert just you, your group or anyone of their Meeroo' treasures!
~ Intelligent scanning saves on sim resources by only scanning when it needs to!
~ Multiple Fodder-Finders in the same area 'network' to reduce duplicate alerts!
~ Optional particle stream to point out collectible locations.
~ Customizable appearance including leaf color, particle color, and activity preferences.
~ Can disable automatically when you log out of SL (optional)
~ NO Alerts while you are offline; will not spam/cap you while you aren't on SL!
~ Copyable and FREE Updates! See 'Update Policy' section.

Collectible treasures help build regard (both personal and for your fellowship). Newly unearthed treasures for you can often yield hundreds of regard points when you find them for the first time. When you're online, get the maximum regard by knowing when your Meeroo are digging away and finding things for you to collect!

Fodder Finder Ivy is Modify (Resize, re-texture, change the sculpt etc -- however the script is not). It is fully copyable but not transferable.

You will receive FREE updates as it becomes available. We always welcome suggestions.

ダウンロード手順 Second Life の商品を表示
  • Treasure finder/scanner for Meeroo's collectibles.
  • Instant Message about new collectibles
  • Multiple Fodder Finders will 'Network' with each other!
  • Can disable automatically when you log out of SL (optional)
  • Customizable, Copyable with FREE Updates!
評価平均: full star full star full star half star empty star
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works great
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2014/10/07 : Yuna DeSantis

The first treasure finder that works fine. Good job!

was so wrong lol
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2013/05/18 : Midian Tempest

Ok so I wrote a review saying this finder did not work at all... well I was very wrong. After rezzing about 4 of them and spacing them out it works perfectly :) (helps to read the manual) lol Thank you!


L$ 99



販売元: Sturm Hellershanks


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
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