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Trompe Loeil - Jocosa Modern Houseboat PG [mesh]

Trompe Loeil - Jocosa Modern Houseboat PG [mesh]
Trompe Loeil - Jocosa Modern Houseboat PG [mesh]
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Sunset visions and stylish harbors beckon, as you frolic and float around lux oceanic sparkle - the Jocosa Modern Houseboat by Trompe Loeil!

The Jocosa Modern Houseboat is a non-vehicle prefab modern houseboat build, welcoming you with entry stairs that lead to two wood planked decks. Floor to ceiling glass walls surround the main cabin room, anchored with a floating working fireplace! A semi-private room in back divided with built-in cabinetry and shelving gives you a place to shelter any storms. Aglow with exterior lights all around, with privacy windows and locking doors and our *home control system! Animated for swimming and couples - grab your choice of maturities and you'll be bobbing in the surf in no time! Land Impact is 85, and footprint is approximately 14 meters by 24.2 meters.

This item's maturity rating is indicated in the listing title. Other maturities are available - see Related Items below.

Check out the Jocosa Modern Houseboat, and all of our fabulous mesh prefabs and furniture, inworld at the Trompe Loeil Mainstore!

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L$ 375



Trompe Loeil
Trompe Loeil
販売元: Cory Edo


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メッシュ: 100% メッシュ
土地の負荷: 85