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V-Twins (Textures) - TXT [GUNSHOT] NANCY TOP

V-Twins (Textures) - TXT [GUNSHOT] NANCY TOP
V-Twins (Textures) - TXT [GUNSHOT] NANCY TOP
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V-Twins is a leading provider of biker style apparel for the SL avatars since 2008

These textures are the result of more than 10 years of experience working with my own business in Second Life.


These textures have been designed exclusively to be sold in this package and I have not used them with any of my items that I sell inworld or on the marketplace with my brand V-Twins Biker Outfitters.

This textures can be used with the following item:


The box includes:

✔ 16 Textures in png format



No refunds for full permission items

1) I made these textures to be used with specific 3rd party mesh items. They can't be used in a different way.

2) You can NOT resell any of these textures .... as textures (full perms o restricted perms).... or as a full perm set or package. You can not give them for free to friends or partners either. You can however, invite them to buy this package.

3) You are allowed to make changes to these textures and use them as templates to add your own creative trade, style, logos etc. This means you can download them to your computer and make the changes you need, and upload them again to SL

4) You can use these textures in Second Life Grid or any other grid.

5) The texture are allowed to be used by an avatar in one business. If you have a partner in a business, you can purchase these textures twice, one per avatar..

I don't think I have the right to set rules for this textures that have to do with your business.
Remember you have to abide to the Mesh Creator TOS in the first place. I will not add additional restricted rules.


If you infringe any of these simple rules, it's unlikely that I fill up a DMCA against your for different reasons.
First because it is a waste of time and resources.
Second, the DMCA process is too slow and does not prevent you from already having these textures or owning them illegally.

What I will do is stop creating for people like you and remove any other of my textures from the marketplace.
You have more to lose that I do.

God Bless your heart for buying this package and support my creations.

  • Textures
  • Full Permission Textures
  • Clothing Textures

L$ 499



V-Twins Biker Outfitters
V-Twins Biker Outfitters
販売元: Amigo Uriza


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み