:VL: Maria skin- Wear me- バージョン 1
Van Luck.Maria Skin with appliers for slink, omega, heads , body and part, all included in this pack´
Fair tone.
● This is a product for your personal use, you are not allow to copy/ sell any part of it , not textures, not appliers, if you wish to share the product, give them our landmark or link so they can get a copy for their selfs.
Our skins are protected by copyright.
Our appliers have been tested in all type of bodys , if they dont work on you check this options:
● Get a uptate to the last version of your mesh parts, (slink,maitreya,tmp.-..) they are free in the mainstore of the creator. Slink 2.0 are needed.
● If is a omega product you will need a relay for work with your body, you have them for 99l at our mainstore, Valkyries seccion. Or at the Omega mainstore.
● If you need a redeliver from our products visit our main store and touch the computer.
●A list of compatible mesh bodys and parts with omega check here.
● Activate the Layer : wear your body/ parts HUD that came with it when you bought it, and check the option layers, activate them all .
● If your appliers or products does still need costumer service send a detailed notecard to Lacocinelle resident.
Thank you
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