Vintage Witch at Cauldron Scene 8 Prim (copy) set with Bubbling Cauldron, Flying Bats & Jack-o-Lantern
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Layers of mixed audio and visual technology are used to pop this scene from a vintage Halloween card into Second Life with both sound and depht - and keeping ti low prim!
The Jack-o-Lantern, Steaming Cauldron, Bubbling Brew, Fire Ring and Crackling Fire are sculpts. The Flying Bats are an animated 2D prim. And the Cackling Witch is a 3D Hologram that will turn to face the viewer from all perspectives.
The scene is 8 prims, copy only and comes packed in the 1 prim copy mod card which can also be used as a decoration.
Come see this and many other seasonal decorations trees, flowers, and crops in my in-world garden.
Second Life の商品を表示L$ 99
この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。
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土地の負荷: 8