[Vips Creations] - Female Swimsuit - [August][HUD]Fitted

詳細 設備 コンテンツ レビュー (1)


Perfect swimsuit for you!
pack content:
HUD 12 beautiful summer Textures!perfect detailed sands with boho glasses for the beach!!!
-High Sandals for maitreya,slink & Belleza

For any problem PLEASE Send me NC because IMs Capped!!
Happy Summer!

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評価平均: 5 星 配分
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Super - Slink Physique - happy!

掲載済み 2018/09/23 : Kyrie Deka 5 星

Looks like my new fav shop!
Couldn't find a demo - leary, always, Slink doesn't split the "lowers" up in its alphas HUD like I need sometimes...

All-in took a chance anyway and it fits like a charm (Slink Physique) and I am very happy!
Doesn't need alpha at all, many textures one-click changes all quickie, andddd the HUD itself is large enough to read and "get", but small enough that *cough* I still see my avi on my 24" monitor!

PS - it was unclear if the other set in the shop - the one with three textures only at L$149 - were the same textures included in this one. I.e. perhaps a smaller pack promo etc. I now know they are not. So if you are really reeeeeally determined to have all these, you might pick up the other also. I will wait until the next L199 pack of 12 textures, and if it comes, I will buy!

Very happy, thanks to seller!

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Vips Creations
Vips Creations
販売元: bee Tizzy

この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

  • メッシュアバターで作業する 詳細
  • 5 星 1 レビュー

  • 権限:
    コピー 修正 再販・プレゼント ユーザーライセンス許可済み
  • 自動再配達
  • メッシュ: 100% メッシュ, 適合メッシュ