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Voltai Wales Textures - Red straight hair textures with hair bases

Voltai Wales Textures - Red straight hair textures with hair bases
Voltai Wales Textures - Red straight hair textures with hair bases
1 レビュー

16 red hair textures and 4 hair bases.
High quality, seamless tiling. 4 red colors, for each one:
- 1024 x 1024 .jpg base texture.
- 1024 x 1024 .png base texture with fringe ends.
- 512 x 1024 .png fringe.
- 1024 x 1024 .png hair base texture; only with compatible viewers (Second Life 2, Phoenix, Emergence..)
- Hair base, as tattoo layer.

Full perm, for personal use and bussiness, not to resale.

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good for personal use and a Nice beginner set for creators just starting out
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2011/11/26 : Tenly

The hair textures are good for the price. Ill admit I really wanted the set for the hair base because Ive had a lot of trouble learning to create hair tatoos without out seams.

The good news is these are cheap, the bad news is the seams are pretty obvious. That being said, for the price I would still recommend these for several reasons.

1) its the perfect price if you want to create hair base for your own personal use and are tired of seeing your scalp under your prim hair.
2) you can take the textures into photoshop or fireworks and tweak them because the quality of the textures are better than the strokes I made on my own.

Because of the price, Ill give them 4 stars and note that these are just a wee bit better than the oklahoma set sold by the same vendor.


L$ 165



Rask Lionheart
Rask Lionheart


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