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[WHD] -- Teddy Bear Lamp 1

[WHD] -- Teddy Bear Lamp 1

Wild Hound Construction and Landscaping Company presents it's Bear Lamp. Perfect for any child's room, this lamp let's you re-live your childhood as only we can on Second Life. I actually had a lamp just like this when I was a kid and still have it.

Features: This lamp will automatically turn on and off at sunset and sunrise. You may manually turn the lamp on and off by clicking on the lamp shade. There are three states: Off, Low, High.

This lamp is modify only. See my other products for the copy version.

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Precious but Primmy
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2012/10/07 : Helena Zurivost

At 20 prims this lamp packs a punch but boy is it adorable.. It look's great in Bapi's room :)

really nice
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2012/01/04 : Jeanette Chau

nice lamp
