WhatNot Blue Car Bed

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This cute Bus bed is ready for your Zooby baby to play in or it does come with an unscripted version for you to use without script. Made of mesh and just 8 prims it is an amazing deal. Remeber we will give you two versions of the car :) We have a Zooby script in the bed that will call the baby to it and the baby will not get up until you call it but not everybody might like how the script works but it is compatable with all Zooby babies.

Many of us know about zooby care and guidelines and how a bed show help their daily statistics. This bed will not do any of that and no bed except for Zooby brand beds will. However there is a way to have any bed you want with the zooby script and that leaves you alot of freedom :) If you want the directions on how to convert your toddler bed or your crib's script for use then please send me a message or notecard :)

We have a wide range of products in our store from Zooby babies, child avatars clothing, toys furniture and much more!

We are not going to say "we will not replace a product" or "it has been too long". If you can show me a proof of purchase on any copy item then I will have it sent back out to you immediately.

There are no refunds but we will do exchanges on other store merchandise for you but this all depends on the circumstance. We are very easy going but do not take well to rants or threats and tend to treat people as we are treated.

Second Life の商品を表示


  • Bed
  • car
  • Zooby
  • mesh
  • avatar





販売元: waijan


この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

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土地の負荷: 8