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Wingsong Satyr Avatar Box

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The Wingsong Satyr Avatar is a three-in-one ensemble loaded with fun features for fantasy play. It includes the basic satyr outfit, an animated pet goat, and a working flute that plays unlimited random notes (with on/off switches). Every self-respecting satyr has a pet goat and a flute.

This avatar comes with not one but TWO AO's. The AO HUD controls your satyr self's basic movements (PLUS has an additional set of adjunct animations). Your flute has its own animation system. All animations are quality, original Wingsong animations configured and sized to fit the specific included satyr shape.

Wingsong Satyr Avatar includes: AO HUD, shape, pants, legs, alpha layer, animated tail (wags every 45 seconds), facial hair, horns. Does NOT include skin.


1 - Turn off other AO's. REZ box and select COPY TO INVENTORY.

2 - ADD Wingsong Goat for Satyr and Wingsong Flute for Satyr.

3 - REZ Wingsong Satyr Avatar COPY & WEAR Box, then select COPY AND WEAR (recommend you remove other clothing/hair/accessories first). Save as outfit for convenience.

FEATURES: Wingsong Satyr Avatar AO HUD

1 - Clicking on the Power Switch (the left button of your HUD) makes your AO active; clicking it again disables it. Very handy. The switch turns green when active and fades into near invisibility when disabled.

2 - Clicking on the Wingsong Logo (the bottom right button of your HUD) brings up some adjunct animations that you may find fun in your travels as Superman. You must turn off your primary animations system by clicking on the power switch to use these animations; your avatar will remain in each animation you select regardless your movement until you select STOP or select another animation from the menu..

3 - Clicking on the Options Switch (the top right button of your HUD) brings up a menu of options including, among several things, this info sheet and selecting default animations for various key positions as well as a status report. The Options Switch remains green all the time symbolizing our constant ability to choose.

4 - This AO has a total of 16 original Wingsong animations. These are not poses but rather full featured, quality animations! They are not "overcooked" - they are realistic, some more subtle than others, all are excellent. Note that these animations are fine tuned to fit the included Wingsong Satyr Shape. If you elect to use another shape your animations may appear slightly "off."

FEATURES: Wingsong Goat for Satyr

1 - Your goat is animated. His eyes and ears rotate and his eyes also blink/wink, giving him alot of facial expressiveness. His legs move when he walks and runs. His tail wags a couple times a minute.

2 - He has a dual audio engine. Touch his main body to call up a menu of 3 goat sounds that you can play on command. He also baas randomly every 4 to 6 minutes; touch his head to toggle this feature on and off.

3 - Did I mention how ADORABLE your Wingsong Goat is? Just in case - your Wingsong Goat is ADORABLE.

FEATURES: Wingsong Flute F Sharp Autoplay for Satyr

As a serious real time Native American style flutist (or, if you want to get uppity about it, FLAUTIST!) I enjoy playing my "real" flutes outside with birds, insects, and the frogs that live in my frog pond. I built the Wingsong Flute F Sharp Autoplay with Nature Sounds in order that you, too, can play with nature.

1 - To use, turn off or remove your AO's. ADD your flute.

2 - The flute's body is embedded with a complete pentatonic scale including the bottom note at two octaves for a total of 6 notes. The totem (the block near your mouth) is embedded with a music engine and 9 short melody clips. Each of these two prims is embedded with a script designed to play a sound clip at 8 second intervals, allowing an unending haunting and beautiful melody. Each set of clips can be toggled on or off by clicking on their respective prim.

3 - The ring at the bottom of the flute plays a looped cricket song. The ring at the top of the flute near your mouth plays a looped frog chorus. The feather plays 10 random nature sounds (8 birds, some katydids, and a frog) at random intervals between 100 to 180 seconds apart for a very natural flow of sound. Clicking on any of these 3 prims will toggle the sounds on or off.

For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!

Don't be misled by the low cost of our items. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support, and we sell ALOT of doodads.

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Wingsong Dojo, Kit Ciaco Proprietor
販売元: Kit Ciaco


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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