Wooden Privacy Fence V.1.

詳細 設備 コンテンツ レビュー (7)


This is a very simple and cheap wooden privacy fence. I have made 2 versions. One is a weathered and complete, but the other is weathered and falling apart. To each their own or combine the two to break up the repetition. Your lighting settings may alter the appearance.


New mesh - Only needs 1 texture...down from 7
This should help with load times drastically.

Because of this I had to give it a new look. I hope you like it. Outdated mesh provided just in case you prefer the old style.

**Still applies to new mesh**

The regular version still works with SLs built in center copy tool and the broken version still does not. Should make it easier to line things up.

For corner posts you will just have to rez your own cube, drop the provided textures for the main fence on it and adjust it via SLs built in texture adjustment settings.

TO ACCESS THE ORIGINAL, COPY OF THE NEW, OR TEXTURES FOR EDITING....rez the box provided and click to unpack.

This is a very simple and cheap wooden privacy fence. I have made 2 versions. One is a weathered and complete, but the other is weathered and falling apart. To each their own or combine the two to break up the repetition.

The textures are meant to be as realistic as I could get them. They are already applied to the object and are also packed into the contents of each object. The version 2 includes a set of textures as well.

The textures on the front and back are set up to make it easy to apply graffiti or whatever using an external texture editor. If you need help please contact me.

The V1 is super easy to set up. It works with SL's center copy tool in the edit menu so you really only need to get one placed then you can center copy onto the side of the object to place another perfectly. The V2 unfortunately is not as easy but with a little moving around fits just fine as well. It will probably rez a bit above the ground as well, where the V1 rezzes right on top of the ground.

If you need a corner piece just rez a cube, scale it up, and then apply one of the textures provided with the fence. Then just adjust the texture to fit the basic prim cube.

View the product inworld to see quality. Looks great from the lowest graphics to the highest.

I hope you enjoy this product. I look forward to reviews, questions, and or concerns.



  • 2 Versions, 1 prim each
  • 2.25m high, 5.2m wide
  • Copy/Mod
  • Object uses a single 1024 texture-fullperm
  • Realistic texturing-Spec&Normal provided and applied

レビュー (XX)

評価平均: full star full star full star full star half star
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Good building component
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2024/01/13 : RestrainedRaptor

The fences have good LODs and the textures. If you're very concerned about texture memory, you can remove the specular maps, since those are basically invisible except for the tiny shine on the nails.

The one thing that's missing from this set that I'd really like is a separate fence post! Because the fences don't begin/end with a post, it's not possible to make nice corners with it unless you create your own posts like I did.

full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2020/03/03 : Floyd Arun

A very realistic looking fence. Thank You =)




(  文字(残りの文字数))
Animal House Lab
販売元: Spoons Delcon

この商品はあなたまたは Second Life 内のフレンドに配達され、開封された後、使用可能になります。土地やサンドボックスは不要です。

  • full star full star full star full star half star 7 レビュー

  • 権限:
    コピー 修正 再販・プレゼント ユーザーライセンス許可済み
  • 自動再配達
  • 土地の負荷: 1
  • メッシュ: 100% メッシュ