.:XS:.Ega PoliceTruck (Box)
-An alternative version of my Ega RacingTruck
check related Items.
-Serpent scripts and ACS Scripts-
-Ultimate Emergency Light Bar from ACS-
-Working siren-
-Drop spikes system
-Hign quality Mesh!!
-Fast and Powerful truck-
-100% Mesh-
-55 Li-
-Great Drifts-
-2 versions Drifter, Xtreme-
-Lock and Unlock system-
-10 seats-
-Low lag scripting-
-Doors open/close-
-Lock and unlock doors system-
-Brake lights-
-Front lights-
-Emergency lights-
-Particles effects-
steer: ←/➝ (A/D)
forward: ↑(W)
brake/reverse: ↓(S)
gear up: E/PageUp
gear down: D/PageDown
drift: SHIFT + ←/➝ (A/D)
skid: ←/➝ (A/D) + ↓(S)
recover: ↑(W)+↓(S)
MENU for Drifter version:
☰ Main menu
✘ Cruise ✘ - profile 1
✘ Drift ✘ - profile 2
✘ Speed ✘ - profile 3
Align - race align
Rec Pos - record vehicle position
Ret Pos - return to recorded position
Lights - activate/de-activate lights
Lock - lock/unlock vehicle
Horn - sound vehicle horn
☰ Adjust menu
Adjust driver position, toggle Amount for small/large adjustments
☰ Settings menu
Menu controls adjust currently selected profile
Turn - steering power
Reverse - brake/reverse power
Gravity - amount of gravity
DForce - amount of downforce
SuperSteer - alternate steering on or off
☰ More menu
Menu controls adjust currently selected profile
Slide - amount of slide when using drift key combo
Camber - amount of wheel camber
Angle - amount of front wheel steering angle
? HELP ? - control keys overview
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If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please message me before leaving negative feedback!
Scripts are not mod.
- ★100% Mesh★
- Lowlag
- 55 Li
- 10 seats
- Scripts are not mod
Needs customisation before use!
You must customize the settings of this to make it good. Out of the box it is a pretty weird experience to drive. After you tone steering down and adjust the other settings a bit it can become something fun to drive.
After some time you will figure out this is probably the best driving script available.
Great truck, great creator!
Super cool truck, when i saw it i knew i had to get it! And i was lucky enough to buy it thanks to the creator i met. Really nice guy., that seems to be really experienced.
The price doesnt justify this truck, its really no money for what you get.
Get it will you can! You wont regret it!