*X*plosion Fitness Outfit BlueWhite
✿ Thank you for your interest in Xplosion products ✿
✿ Fitness Outfit ✿
✿ Body
(5 Standard Sizes, Maitreya Lara Body Size, SLInk Body Size)
✿ Tape Shirt
(5 Standard Sizes, Maitreya Lara Body Size, SLInk Body Size)
✿ Shirt
(5 Standard Sizes, Maitreya Lara Body Size, SLInk Body Size)
✿ Capri Pants
(5 Standard Sizes, Maitreya Lara Body Size, SLInk Body Size)
✿ Towel (unrigged Mesh Size)
✿ Alpha Layer & Alpha Textures
If you'll need any help, please contact Kaliha Noel or Sabanco Resident.
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(Not all Xplosion products are on SL Marketplace):
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