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[b!] - dual tone color changing diamond binky box バージョン 1.6

[b!] - dual tone color changing diamond binky box

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items included :

1 dual tone color changing diamond pacifier - 48 prims
1 dual tone color changing diamonddisplay case - 90 prims

binkeeze! by tumble tots

binkeeze! are the ULTIMATE in pacifiers for both adults and children alike, our pacifiers offer a uniqueness that will make you want to wear them all the time and offer fun features simply not found in any other binky!

features as the owner of binkeeze! :

auto updating, we promised free updates for life and we stand by our word! binkeeze! 1.3 now feature auto updating, when you rez your binky ( the one with the strap ) it will check our auto update servers for new releases! if we add new features you'll now get them automatically! to keep the stress on our servers low, your binky will check for these updates only once in a 12 hour period.

binkeeze are menu driven! simply click your binky while wearing it to bring up the menu that controls the following :

color 1 - clicking this will open up the color menu for your binky where you can select 80 colors to color the first parts of your binky.

color 2 - clicking this will open up the color menu for your binky where you can select 80 colors to color the second parts of your binky.

binky on - this activates your binky movement! your binky will move in and out of your mouth just like a real paci!

binky off - this stops the binky movement.

sound on - this activates the sound associated with your binky and offers a pleasnt volume level as to not blast everyones ears out.

sound off - this turns the sound off.

bling on - this activates bling for your paci and no its not crazy bling, we spent an hour to adjust this to give a soft look.

bling off - this turns your bling off.

replace! - if someone removes your binky and never replaces it, you can simply click your mouth where your paci normally is this will replace it.

features when someone else clicks your binky :

remove!! - (when they click your binky for the first time) anyone can remove your paci while you are wearing it by clicking it, they will be given a menu to remove your paci and if they do, you'll throw a short tantrum by falling to the ground and kicking your legs and hands, then your binky will ask them to replace it!

replace! - (after they remove the binky) they can click your binky again by clicking your mouth, then can replace it for you!

tease more! - (after they remove the binky) and are asked to replace it again, this menu option will open and they can make you throw another tantrum!

thank you for your loyal support, if you have questions about your products, please feel free to contact me.

hevenz vansant

tumble tots © copyright 2007-2011 by tumble tots childrens collections ® 2007-2011.
binkeeze!™, popcaps!™, pacieeze!™ and kidzprintz™ are © copyright 2007-2011 by tumble tots childrens collections ® 2007-2011.

  • Binkeeze Pacifier Engine 1.6 ( Scripted by US! )
  • 100 % Custom Animations! ( Created by US! )
  • Highly Detailed Mathmatically Corrent Prim Perfect Construction!
  • Menu Driven for Owner and Others! ( Our ORIGINAL Idea )
  • Second Lifes Most ORIGINAL Pacifier!
評価平均: 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星
  • 5 スター:
  • 4 スター:
  • 3 スター:
  • 2 スター:
  • 1 スター:
Must Have! Absolutely Adorable!
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2012/07/09 : Stormy Snowfield

I bought this for my child avi, then bought two more for my sisters...I love this binky! Well worth the 50l!
