birthday cake - mesh - promo 10$L - rez and wear versions included
A sumptious mesh Happy Birthday cake ! Delivered in a Rez version and an Add version. Both versions are scripted with a happy birthday jingle and personalised greeting as follows :
Happy Birthday cake - Rez.
Rez inworld. 3LI. Click the cake for a happy birthday jingle and a personalised birthday greeting in local chat. 10 second timeout between clicks to prevent spamming.
Happy Birthday cake - Add.
Add to worn. You will adopt a hold animation and the cake will play a happy birthday jingle and send a personalised happy birthday message.
Before rezzing or adding your chosen cake right click it in Inv and change the description box to the name and message you want said. Delivered the cakes description is set to just 'Resident'. 256 chars max
Yes copy yes mod, contents/scripts yes copy. 3LI, vid link below and come see/test the rez version inworld ! promo 10$L
- yes copy yes mod
L$ 10
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