Part of the "-db- EFFED UP Basement Skybox" Collection
Here's an iron that's perfect for any homemaker out there. It has a built-in animation, as well as an iron that you can hold during the animation. Typing a simple command will cause the iron on the board to show/hide (Command works for owner only). The iron on the board and the hand held one both have steam and sound features that toggle on/off with a click!
Included with the set is the cutesy laundry basket with Teddy the Bear, who holds a box of fabric softner. Shadows are included.
The hand held iron is copiable. The entire set though is transfer only. The Ironing board is 15 prims. The optional laundry basket is 14 prims.
Come and see this Set up close and personal for yourself. Visit the DIRTY BOXES store in world at:
Rez the "EFFED UP Basement" skybox to see the Set in world.
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