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~JJ~ Buddy Ball

~JJ~ Buddy Ball

Need a friend for your companion? The Buddy Ball is your answer! This physics-enabled ball has been painted to resemble a Quirx and it drives the real ones CRAZY! Set the ball out and watch your Quirx chase after it until the cows come home.

This item is touch-sensitive so it can be easily deactivated when you want to give your Quirx some peace and quiet.

The Buddy Ball is created so that everyone can use it! You and your friends can play a game of keepaway with your Quirx!

The Buddy Ball comes in 6 color schemes AND it is copyable. At just 1 prim each, rez a bunch and have a blast!

Find more accessories and Quirx adoptions at Jeanette's Joint! I hope you love this item as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Jeanette Doobie

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Quirx compatible (but not required!)
  • Physics-enabled ball toy
  • Quirx interaction on command
  • 1 prim (rezzed in-world)
  • Play with it simultaneously with you Quirx and friends!