Flight control
W or up arrow is to pitch down
S or down arrow is to pitch up
A or left arrow is to bank left (turn left)
D or right arrow is to bank right (turn right)
E or page up is to speed up
C or page down is to slow down
/1c - toggle dynamic follow camera
/1s - smoke on/off
/1help - Commands info
HUD での操作。
赤いボタン = 操縦タイプの切り替え
黄色いボタン = キャノピーの開け閉め
緑ボタン = スモークのオン/オフ
I wish i could give it 10 stars!
Thank you for creating this and even making it free!!!!
She's Pretty Fly
This has become my aircraft of choice.
If you prize superlative speed and manoeuvrability in a piston-engined plane, this aerobatics plane is for you. What's more, you are free to customise it to express your individuality.
It's the bomb!
Needs a yaw/taxi mode.
I found it very difficult to taxi to a runway, the plane would bank. I tried shift left/right and lowest gear as well. I will give 5 stars if there's a way to do this that I'm unaware of.