- プロフィール
"I would like to clarify that I am not the creator of Amaretto or any other breedable animals. I am only a breeder and seller of them. It is important to note that I never sell live Amaretto horses, K9s, chickens, or ducks on the marketplace.
Furthermore, I want to make it clear that I am not the creator of any Gacha items.
Lastly, while some items on my marketplace are my own creations, I want to clarify that the mesh used in these items does not belong to me. I simply create items using the mesh objects.
- ポリシー
Sales of gacha items and my creations are final. Please ensure that the contents of the Amaretto Sib Set boxes match the notecard. Report any issues immediately for prompt resolution. Thank you for your business and warm regards,
Sasha Primdashian
19 個の一致する商品が見つかりました。
Sasha's Breedables : Sasha Primdashian
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