This Store
Pewter's Pixels
Pewter's Pixels
販売元: Pewter Clawtooth
登録日: 2008/01/08

Welcome to my store! I'm so glad to see the numbers that have come across in the short time I have had my doors open! Now that I have uploaded all of my old material, I'm going to work on new things! But I need some support for L$s to upload new textures! Tips and donations are greatly loved, and even L$1 helps! If you would like to see something here, please feel free to send me a notecard in SL or drop a suggestion in my ask box on tumblr: .

I CANNOT SCRIPT. I have tried, and I have failed. :I I plan to try again when I get to a point in my life where I can do such a thing. Until then, just about everything I sculpt will be without scripts, or with very basic scripts I can cut and paste. This includes particles. You will have to create your own particle emitter. If you are a scriptor and need a builder, we can work something out.


Modifications and custom items are available upon request starting at L$10! They may go up into some real dollars, depending on the complexity of the project. Send me a notecard detailing what you'd like and I will quote you a price!

If I update a product you have already bought (lower prim count, better quality texture, etc.) contact me and I will send you the updated version free! See product





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