- プロフィール
Priory of Roses:
Making Highly Detailed Historical Clothing for Medieval and Gorean Role-Play.
Regionally Specific & "By the Books" Quality for Free, Kajirae, Bond, Knights, Ladies, Historical Warriors or Gorean Panthers. Wear the clothing that fits who you are on SL.
- ポリシー
• If Second Life does not deliver your Outfit within 2 hours time, or you accidently deleted/ damaged that outfit, please send me (Sahiela Lavendel) a NoteCard with your Full SL Name, and from your Records the Purchase
Receipt from Account History. (Just: Date, Time, ID Prefix & Detail) All Sales from whichever source, Market Street, Main Store, or a Sim Vendor will be honored. You bought an Ite
108 個の一致する商品が見つかりました。
Sahiela Lavendel - Priory of Roses : Sahiela Lavendel
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Sahiela Lavendel - Priory of Roses : Sahiela Lavendel
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