![%Percent %Percent](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/23167050/regular/_Percent_StoreAd2019ForMP.jpg?1553064949)
- プロフィール
All mesh sold by %Percent is original, made by Plato Novo, and exclusive to %Percent unless otherwise stated, (collaborations with other creators, artists, etc.)
- ポリシー
Customer service is a high priority. If you have any issues with my items, please send me an IM. Unfortunately, notecards are likely to get lost, but if you must send one, please also send an IM with the name of the nc so I'll know to look for it. Or email me at PlatoNovoSL@gmail.com Please make sure to leave your original AV name in the email, in case I need to contact you inworld. Thanks! :)