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Thorenbuilt ™ Homes
Thorenbuilt ™ Homes
Sold by: Thorenbuilt Homebuilder
Joined: August 23, 2010

Everything made in the village of Thorstein's Lair.

building celtic chores clothing fachwerk furniture gor gorean healer house housing lucky board lucky chair lucky pot merchant nordic norse physician residence residential roleplay shoes shop store tools torvaldsland tudor victorian viking workplace workshop


Not-Returnable = Not-Refundable
If it breaks, we'll replace it once fix is done
If you break it, you own both halves (we can likely fix it)
No refund on discounted items

Transferable items may be resold, even for profit, unless license states otherwise.

Items that don't have modify permission set may not be altered, reverse-engineered, or otherwise changed.

Modify permission does not g

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