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<A-T> Pennsylvania Class Version 1.5

<A-T> Pennsylvania Class
<A-T> Pennsylvania Class
1 Review

===============Astral Tek Pennsylvania-Class Battleship===============

3D Mesh Artist: Joe Sparrow & StormSpirit Gearbox
Texture Artist: Joe Sparrow
Scripting: Joe Sparrow & Ariesviper Barbecue
Sounds: Obany Wardark
Notecard: Tsume Xiao


Hud info

<A-T> Pennsylvania Class (Display)
<A-T> Pennsylvania Class (Podium)

<A-T> Paint Kit [Pennsylvania]
Pennsylvania Textures

<A-T> Pennsylvania Class
<A-T> Universal Warship HUD
<A-T> Warship Gunsight

==========Pennsylvania-Class Specifications==========
Full Name: Battleship, Pennsylvania Class
Country of Origin: United States

Sensor: Naval
HP: 2500
-14inch 356mm Guns - MDB
-5inch 127mm Guns - SMB
-1.1"/75 caliber (Chicago Piano) LMG

===Other Features===

-Particle effects for bow wave, wake and all weapons
-Guest mode


↑&↓ / W&S: Adjusts the Throttle Setting
←&→ / A&D: Controls the Rudder

Left Mouse Button: Fires Main Guns
-The guns automatically calculate trajectory based on your point of aim

Page Up / E: Fires Secondary & AA Guns
-The guns automatically calculate trajectory based on your point of aim
-When aiming above the horizon, the guns change to a CMG flak mode.


Clicking the vessel will bring up a menu

Flag: Allows the input of a custom flag UUID.
Guest: Toggles Guest Mode. When activated, guest mode allows others to drive the vehicle


The Universal Warship HUD allows for control of additional functions. such as aircraft drones smoke screens and depth charges.
This depends on the ship as every ship class has different functions.

The HUD also displays the HP and throttle setting.

=====Operational Notes====

-The vehicle activates VICE upon avatar entry.
-The Naval Sensor System will show all damage as coming from the owner, even in guest mode.
-Teams can be set with the standard vice command team (Valid teams are: none, 1, 2, 3, 4)


Bombs: 2x CMB
Recon: Provides information on locations of other vessels

you can target avatars and objects by entering a UUID
additionally you can target avatars by entering part of their name (avatars only)

You can set up to 3 waypoints. aircraft will follow waypoints in order of 1,2,3 and then fly the reverse path.
-if no first waypoint is present they will consider the next waypoint in line as their first.
-you can clear all active waypoints by selecting Clear in the aviation menu
-its not advised to select the same waypoint more than once.

straight forward. this lets you choose your between recon or attack aircraft

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Fun ship
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 08, 2014 by Wil Parx

Easy to use gun control hud. Holds it's own in battle on the sea. I really an impressed with this build.

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L$ 3,000

Adding to cart as gift


<A-T> Astral Technologies
<A-T> Astral Technologies
Sold by: Warship Waifu

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh
Land Impact: 291