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@AC Darklight group Guest, dynamic group inviter Version V1.07.06a

@AC Darklight group Guest, dynamic group inviter
@AC Darklight group Guest, dynamic group inviter
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Darklight Group Guest


The Darklight Guest is a dynamic inviter to allow your visitors to join your group either automatically or manually.

It is fully configurable. You can put your own Logos and textures. A neon sign on the front panel flashes to catch the visitor's eye.

The invitation is only made once per Avatar and does not harass your visitors every time you visit.

I find it extremely unpleasant to be called upon every time I step on a pitch.

The Darklight guest remembers all the people who have been invited to avoid incessant reminders.

No monthly costs, no robot or server, the Darklight Guest is autonomous.

On the first visit or if they click on the Darklight Guest panel at any time, the avatar receives a message in their language in a dialog box with a menu and a private message with a link to register, either now or later.

Whatever decision is made, the visitor will not be followed up unless you clean up the database through the administration menu.

You can place several Darklight Guests on your property with only one dynamic and the others passive (detection distance 0m) so as not to ask the invitation question each time you pass in front of a terminal.

I use some techniques that I have developed for more efficiency:

- Detection of visitors on the entire plot or region,
- No sensing distance limitation unlike SL Script's Sensor,
- Adjustment of the detection distance from 0 m to infinity, for a complete region, a maximum distance of 4117 m which also covers the entire height up to 4096 m.
- A detection at 0 m deactivates the automatic invitation, the visitor must then click on the panel to join the group and the names are not remembered.
- Use of SL script's new memorization features that can store more than 4500 visitor names.
- Partial memory purge when it reaches the limit to avoid saturation of noms.
PS storage: I once had an inviter crash after a certain amount of time of use due to memory saturation, this cleanup helps avoid this problem.
- Automatic detection of the language used by the visitor's viewer,
- All messages sent are written in the visitor's language,
- Full customization of the Darklight Guest
- Configurations by Notecards,
o # NEON CONFIGRulation of the appearance of the panel,
- The group setting defaults to the one of the parcel where you place the Darklight Guest, however, you might need to assign another group if, for example, you have a secondary remote store. In this case, you can put any group by entering its UUID in this configuration sheet.
- You also specify, if the detection is done on the parcel, the region and also the detection distance. If the distance is set to 0, there will be no automatic message sent to visitors.
o # CONFIG MESSAGESWou can edit all automated messages sent to your visitors in all languages supported by Second Life.
- Admin MenuThis menu provides basic administration of the Darklight Guest as well as some necessary information.
o Clear the visitor database,
o Test a manual registration,
o View the list of visitors and their language. Useful if you want to do statistics.
o Information about the group. This information is also presented to visitors at the time of registration.


Drop a Darklight Group Guest and position it. It is directly functional as is. You don't have to do anything else if you don't want to customize it.


The Darklight Group Guest has 3 personalization notecards.

This notecard allows the customization of the panel. Do not change the name of "FLAGS" consisting of a star and a name. This flag allows the script to spot the value just below it. All values are per pair.

Configuring the Detection Group and Area


Setting up multilingual messages. There are 4 different messages. There must be one message per line. If you want to make a multi-line message, use the sign: ▼ to move to the next line. From a technical point of view of Second life script, the "\n" sign does not work directly, it is interpreted during compilation. To make it simpler, I've replaced it with this plus sign.

List of languages:

// No detected => NOD
// English => EN
// American => US
// Dansk (Danish) => DA
// Deutsch (German) => DE
// Español (Spanish) => ES
// French (French) => FR
// Italiano (Italian) => IT
// Magyar (Hungarian) => HU
// Nederland (Dutch) => NL
// Polski (Polish) => PL
// Portugués (Portuguese) => PT
// Русский (Russian) => RU
// Türkçe (Turkish) => TR
// Українська (Ukrainian) => UK
// 中文 (Chinese) => ZH
// 日本語 (Japanese) => JA
// 한국어 (Korean) => KO

See item in Second Life
  • Automatic inviter group
  • Aspect configurable
  • Multilangues configurable
  • Memorised Avatar Names anti-harassment
  • Detection on parcel or entire Sim without distance limitation

L$ 350

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Arlequin Carter's Production
Arlequin Carter's Production
Sold by: Arlequin Carter

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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 2