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::AK:: 4 japanese fans -2 sensu & 2 uchiwa- with animation

::AK:: 4 japanese fans -2 sensu & 2 uchiwa- with animation

Cheap but gorgeous fans with anim

Yes you read well 4 fans with animation for only 30 L$!

This cheap pack include 4 japanese fans with a smooth animation in each of them.
You will get 2 "sensu" and 2 "uchiwa" type fans with 4 different motive.
The sensu are some Japanese folding fans and the uchiwa are the "round" fans.

Please don't forget to enable mature items to see our gorgeous (and cheap) geisha, maiko's skin (classic and more "crazy" ones)


If you want to find other Japanese items, for Geisha, Maiko, or Samurai, such as kimono, hair or everyday stuff like japanese food (we have sushi plates, ramen or even wagashi - sweets-) and furniture, please visit our inworld shop:::>
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Clasificación media: estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena media estrella estrella vacía
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estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado March 16, 2015 por Zhoy34

unnatural position of the feet, seems to be leaning against an invisible wall, moreover the movement of the fan is too fast. wave is not as "feed a fire." good for a manga or something. Samurai and Gheisa, of which have precise movements, it is to look elsewhere

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