Havok Wars is a Real Time Strategy game, It's greatest feature is that you can play it anywhere, it doesn't require a premade game play area, although it is possible to make such things as well.
The second greatest feature is you construct and train/build units in similar ways how real RTS games work, and you can order those units around freely at your own.
Epilepsy Advisory: Turn off glow and particles while playing this game, it has mild strobing effects with glow on certain structures, and usually lots of explosions which made out of particles, that may appear to be overly flashy, strobing, and otherwise cause seizures for epileptic people.
The game comes with 3 factions in it:
The Cazek:
Specializes in Defense.
Theme: Alternative Modern
Description: Prefers base defenses, and weaking enemy from distance with nukes, or overrunning them with slowly built great armies.
Best Strategy: Turtle, Steamroller
The Tiho:
Specializes in Ground Offense.
Theme: Science Fiction, Nanite age
Description: Uses Nanites, prefers front line assault with it's powerful tanks, and even more powerful super tanks, which are enormous.
Best Strategy: Rush, Head on offense
The Wochuw:
Specializes in Airforce.
Theme: Industrial
Description: An Industrial age faction that's main workforce is coal power plants and zeppelins. Prefers to attack enemy from above with various airships, and unique quadro-copters called Locust.
Best Strategy: Turtle, Flanking, Air assault
Havok Wars Blog: http://havokwars.blogspot.com/
Additional Screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ldma0hrostcm0g9/SzMr2_-SVZ
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBC8GjvsNAc
You can join the Aluveaux Technologies group for regular information on Havok Wars and other products
URI: secondlife:///app/group/5aca9abe-4bf9-febe-6b46-6b64c85d6e6e/about
- Fully Functional Real Time Strategy Game in Second Life
- Meshed Units and Buildings
- Doesn't require a game play field / arena
- Play it everywhere you can rez at, in Second Life
- Low Lag - You can play it even in a homestead region
The best SL RTS since RTS's in SL!
I could choose from many words to describe this game, however "Holy Damn" seems to fit best. Havok Wars stands above every other in-SL game I have ever had the pleasure of playing, and does so with great ease. The gameplay is straightforward and fun, and the varied play style between factions ensures players will be able to find a suitable force.
Anyone who enjoys Real-Time Strategy games should absolutely invest in a copy of Havok Wars. Find someone to play with, and you will have a blast.
its a gameception a game within a game. playing it is amazing,the control of where you build and what you build is insane,the options you have is like red alert 3 but with a TON more control over what you want to build and how you want to build your army.its a rts that gives you amazing access and control over building armies to fight other people which used on a full sim is much larger than any red alert game map....i would DEFFINATLY recommend this to any and all people of sl
very much worth the money.
Really fun game, been playing this with my family a few hours now and we all love it! ^^