The AZ Cottage Parts range has been released to allow you to add modifications to any one of the AZ Cottage designs or buy the AZ Complete Parts Set to create your own cottage or village from scratch. All original mesh designs are created with custom physics so you can rez and move inside your house without issue. All parts of the mesh house have been designed in a "modular format" to allow for easy modification and redesign of your house. Texture menu options can be used as is or mixed and matched, as well as "paint" or tinted for a completely unique look. Additional building parts can be purchased separately or a Complete Cottage Building Set can be purchased inworld.
♦ INCLUDED IN THIS SET♦ (builds are modify/copy, scripts are copy only)
AZ Cottage Window & Shutter Set - ( 6 li) linked set of 7 original mesh designs:
=> AZ Trad Window - 0.5 li / 6 materials
=> AZ Prairie Window - 0.5 li / 6 materials
=> AZ Pivot Window - 0.5 li / 6 materials
=> AZ Round Window - 0.5 li / 6 materials
=> AZ BnB Shutters - 0.5 li / 3 materials
=> AZ Plantation Shutters - 0.5 li / 2 materials
=> AZ Round Shutter - 0.5 li / 2 materials
AZ Cottage Paint Can - (1li) interactive paint can > rez paint can within 10m of a AZ control box > touch can for set color options
*(li) land impact listed is based on the highest number from build menu "more info", WEIGHTS OF SELECTED (Download, Physics, Server) often times the server size default per mesh is 0.5 and may be the highest number (based on my modular designs)
TEXTURE & DESIGN MENU - CLICK+HOLD anywhere on the set to access the texture main menu:
Main = Greywood | Windows | Whitewood | DarkWood | Seasons | CedarWood | admin
Windows = wood FRAME | wood SASH | wood SHUTR | wht FRAME | wht SASH | wht SHUTR | dark FRAME | dark SHUTR | clear TINT | cedar FRAME | cedar SHUTR
Seasons = autumn yel | light snow | mossy | autumn red | heavy snow | pine forest | clear SEASON
admin = owner | group | public
You can choose the GreyWood, WhiteWood, DarkWood, CedarWood to change all textures/tint for a set look OR
use the PARTS menus to match and mix the texture and design for custom design you want.
*Please note both grey and white textures have been designed to allow for custom "tinting" through the build menu. The dark & cedar options tint the base textures (grey texture is best) to create a different set styles. Use the included paint can for set color options.
All window sets will respond to touching the shutters open/close (outside) or touching windows open/close (inside).
All WINDOW FRAMES will respond to single CLICK to access the glass & all control menu, this allows you to change all window glass textures and to control all the shutters and windows at one time ie open/close/visible/invisible.
shtrALLOPEN | shtrALLCLOSE | shutrINVIS | winALLOPEN | winALLCLOSE | winINVIS | allVIS |clearWGLASS | dustyWGLASS | cutWGLASS | frostyWGLASS
*Please note the cutWGLASS is a privacy option based on vintage textured glass
Seasonal elements have been built into many the mesh designs. Roof/porch elements, window frames, external steps & railings and chimney.
You can change the seasons via the main cottage menu but if you utilize any AZ Emporium Complete landscaping menus, the houses are built to respond to local or region wide setup.
Seasons = autumn yel | light snow | mossy | autumn red | heavy snow | pine forest | clear SEASON
*Please note I have added two new items to these building's seasonal options, mossy & pine forest (which work best with the darkWood & cedarWood options) they may be of interest if you wished to place your cottage in a forest situation.
AZ Complete Cottage Building set (including all cottage parts sets & a sample Farm Cottage design at a discounted bulk buy price) is exclusively available INWORLD only, visit our Main store to demo cottages and view the inbuilt seasons/colours and interactive options.
*10% discount available on purchases inworld
May you spend many happy hours building the cottage or village of your dreams.
See item in Second Life- 100% original mesh
- 7 interactive window & shutter designs
- colour & texture menu options
- 6 seasonal menu options