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Avatar Online Audio Alerter

Avatar Online Audio Alerter

Avatar Online Audio Alerter

How often has this happened to you. You have a friend you want to talk to. You constantly watch their online status yet get busy and miss it when they do finally come online. Or, you step away from the PC and miss both the pop up that alerts you that they have come online and you didn't hear the one and only ding when they sent you ann IM? Have heart, those days are over!

The Avatar Online Audio Alerter will monitor one avatar at a time (a notecard lets you add several avatars and select one with a menu system) and alert you when they come online by playing the sound file of your choice every fifteen seconds until you click their icon to stop the sound (default sound is a doorbell, simply delete the doorbell from inventory and replace it with any sound you choose). Now you can get busy with other things and never miss a friend. You can walk away from the PC and do other things around your house as you keep an ear toward the PC knowing you aren't missing that all important friend.

The Avatar Online Audio Alerter will let you know the online status of anyone whether they are on your friends list or not, even if they are on your friends list and have unchecked the box that allows you to see their status.

How do I set it up?
Configuration is done with a note card. Inside the content folder there is a notecard called "Avatar Key". There are two values you enter into the note card (the two seperated with a ","). The first value is the name you wish to call your contact (this can be whatever you would like, the avatar key is used to determine the full name). The second value is the UUID (avatar key) of the avatar you wish to monitor.
The default AOAA sound is a "doorbell". You can use that sound, or exchange it for any sound you have in your inventory by copying that sound into the contents folder and deleting the "doorbell" sound. AOAA will use the first sound found in the contents folder.
To assign an avatar to the alerter, find their avatar key (there are several ways to find an avatars key, xstreet offers several utilities for doing this, some of the alternate viewers such as Cool SL Viewer list each avatar key in each profile, if you are having problems finding anyones key, try the Cool SL Viewer, not only will you have everyones key listed easily for you but you'll get a viewer that is more stable and packed with more "cool" features, it can be found here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Alternate_viewers#Third-party_Viewers). Type their name on a line in the notecard followered by a ",". Then copy and paste the avatar key after the name in the notecard (after the comma). Once you save the notecard, the alerter will update itself with the new information and reset. Done. To add more avatars to choose from, simply list each on a seperate line. The next and prev buttons in the menu will let you scrool through the list to find the avatar you wish to monitor currently. Click till the chosen avatar's name shows above the alerter, then choose either to monitor with sound (Audio Alert), or monitor without sound (Alert). Click the AOAA to stop monitoring, click again to setup another monitoring session.

How does it work?
The AOAA comes as a HUD. Find it in your inventory, right click it and select wear (see note below on HUD locations). The HUD is now ready to be configured.
Once configured, the alerter can be run with or without sound alerts. When the avatar is offline and the alerter is in Audio Alert state. The text will be red with no sound being triggered. When an avatar is detected as being online, the text will turn green and the assigned sound file will begin to play, repeating every 15 seconds until you click the alerter. The other mode to monitor in is the same but without the sound (Alert). In this state, the text will turn white and report the avatar as being online (if they still are) and the sound alert will be off. Once that avatars status is reported as offline, the text turns gray and the avatar is shown as being offline.

Note: The Avatar Key notecard is inside the content folder. To get to the folder, hold down the control button and press the number 3. That will bring up the edit window. Click on the alerter to select it, then go back to the edit panel and select the "content" tab. You will see the Avatar Key notecard there. Double click to open it. Configure and save. The AOAA will know that its notecard has been changed and will reset and launch the script.

Note: Modify permissions are given so that you can scale the AOAA to your particular needs. If you have a need to monitor many avatars, you may perfer to purchase my Friends Online Audio Alerter which will let you monitor 5 avatars from one object (instead of one). Please note, the scripts included are not modifyable, just the object and the configuration notecard.

The AOAA comes set to the center HUD position.

  • Trigger an Audio Alert when friends come online
  • Check Status of those in your friends list
  • Check Status of those not in your friends list
  • Includes default sound, can be configured for other sounds
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no funciona
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 28, 2022 by jenifer Amoufhaz

el dueño no me responde y no funciona el hud

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Don't buy
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 01, 2011 by Ambashi Pherala

Doesn't work. Keeps sounding the alarm and shwing the avatar on when it's not and you can't open the script to try fix it (no mod). Don't buy this, sorry :(

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