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Avatar skeleton men mesh rigged with HUD 11 animations ,11 skeleton zombies animations in the menu stand,walk,dance,fall

Avatar skeleton men mesh rigged with HUD 11 animations ,11 skeleton zombies animations in the menu stand,walk,dance,fall

This product requires the use of MESH SL Viewer . Version woman and version men available
The twins (Avatar + Animesh) and animesh friend are for sale alone too

DEMO The Twins Skeleton men avatar + animesh friend rigged
- DEMO Animesh Friend Skeleton avatar men mesh rigged usa ADD
- DEMO AVATAR skeleton men usa mesh rigged ADD
- Alpha full body invisible
NO DEMO for the shape

In the full pack :
- AVATAR skeleton men usa mesh rigged ADD
- Alpha full body invisible
- shape skeleton men
- Animation skeleton hud (11 various stand dance sit fall ...) ADD

See item in Second Life