bento teil and animation HUD
11 animation
8 pose
possible to work with other bento tails
love it!
this animator is awesome. took my non-animated bento tail and it started moving as soon as i put the hud on.
Thank you so much!! This animation HUD is exactly what I was looking for. The animations are great.
Something this incredible should not be free.
This hud will give literally any un-animated bento tail animations. I have yet to find one that does not work with it.
My only desire is to somehow have an option to add more animations to the hud!
Great Bento Tail, But...
I'm taking away one star from my prodcut rating due to the bento enhanced tail animation has suddenly stopped upon teleportation and switch avatars, instead of staying on.
A little nitpicking on the animation, but a great bento tail to afford one. :)
great animations!
very cute animations. The tail included isn't that great honestly but I'm sure there's purposes for it. There are lots of other free un-animated tails though so if this one isn't helpful you can find others. What you really want on this are the animations there really cute and SUPERFUL helpful if you have on of said tails with no animations. Plus I mean the price is right!