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Bjorn's HSL Color Picker (1-prim)

Bjorn's HSL Color Picker (1-prim)

Bjorn's HSL Color Picker (1-prim)
by Bjorn Nordlicht

NOTE: This color picker uses new features added to the SL 1.21 viewer. If you are running an older viewer, you will get a warning message when you use the color picker and the scripts will not compile. Please upgrade to 1.21 or later to use them. Also keep that in mind if you use the scripts in your own creations.

This is a 1-prim HSL color picker, it works much like the built-in color picker in SecondLife edit window.

HSL (hue-saturation-light) is another way of describing colors apart from RGB (red-green-blue), which is what LSL functions such as llSetColor require.

1. Drop TRANSFORM and this script into desired prim.
2. Touch HS plane to select your color
3. Touch L axis to select lightness/darkness
4. The picker will say color on CMD_CH
5. Modify script and prim as needed

I offer this product free of charge, to be copied, modified, or given away as you see fit. Since it is free, I offer NO GUARANTEE that it will work, I hope it does =P While you may certainly ask questions, comment, make suggestions, point out bugs - there's no official support for this product.


Thank you for supporting my products, and I hope they prove useful and of good value to you. Enjoy =) Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you might have.

Bjorn Nordlicht

  • Color picker, easy to use
  • One prim
  • Free
  • Full permissions
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 28, 2019 by stkntt Erin

It can be added to the texture change HUD that I always use.That's exactly what I was looking for.Thank you so much:D

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So handy
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 02, 2019 by Anantzi

This saved me a ton of time putting together a color picker HUD. Fantastic!

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generous and appreciated
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 13, 2015 by DiaUlar

Thank you Bjorn for providing this to the community. Its come in handy many times and your name has gone into our products that use it. We very much appreciate you making this available.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 22, 2014 by dirtyhary

Whjy is hard talking in nacional languages that name go in content that do that and scripts color your objekts so is that hard sey I see you and all comunity startr talking language s special that isx languages sec life ok meen kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk sex men mmmmmmmmmmmmmm and so on that atac oin IQ simple human been so please lik,e man who sell scripts for 300 l ful perm he is on pic explane people is hard be good yes or no thank you on sell 0 l items i see you living of sell lends rent so your intersty is to all things sell for 0 l ro money go on lands rent so why will peopl;e rent expensive lands i not see reson your EXPLANE is like atracv on any contry freedom adnd sey we come help ha ha ha ha why i qwestion why is hard sey 2 words simply easy thats go there thats go therte i not hawe time to learn lanuage kkkkkkkk

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 14, 2013 by Merlin Saxondale

The script is fully visible and the maker seems to say that people are allowed to re-use it freely. That is great, because so many scripts in SL are inaccessible. I wondered how to detect where on a prim a click took place, and this colour picker gives two different methods for different purposes.
To be honest, I cannot see what to use it for, but I am glad to have learnt something valuable from the script.
The previous reviewer rates it highly for its practical value, and she should know!

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love this
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 13, 2013 by Victoria Paule

very clever, using it all the time. thank you so much for sharing.

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