Botha Hera House
321 Prims
4624 sq.m. minimum land required
. Central Control
. Window Blinds
. Lockable Doors
. Access List
. Dimmer Lights
. Land Scanner
Land, Trees and Spotlights are not included.
Please try the Demo, its full featured but will derez after 60 seconds.
::: Control Panel / Menu Functions
::: Doors :::::::::::::::::
-Open / Close Doors: Opens or Closes all the doors.
-Lock / Unlock Doors: Locks all doors, except for the owner or names with access.
-Auto-Close: Enables or Disables the Auto-Close feature, and presents time
options in seconds. Doors will close automatically after use.
::: Lights ::::::::::::::
Light Dimmer: Adjusts your light intensity up to 100% or choose 0% to turn Off.
::: Blinds ::::::::::::::
Window Blinds: Opens or Closes all the curtains and window blinds. Curtains can be
opened and closed individually.
::: Access :::::::::::::::
Avatars with access will be able to use all locked doors, control panels and
touch-enabled items.
-Add User: Scans the area ( 96m ) for avatars, and presents all the names.
-Input Name: Allows access by typing the avatar name.
-Rmv User: Presents all the names in the access list for removal.
-Reset Users: Deletes all the names in the access list.
-Access ON/OFF: Allows temporarily enabling or disabling the access list,
while preserving all the authorized names in memory.
Please Note: The ACCESS management in the menu is for Owner-use only.
::: Scanner :::::::::::::::
Avatars without access will receive a warning to leave, and will be ejected
from your land if they don't leave in 30 seconds.
LAND SCANNER: Choose a radius of up to 96m, to scan for intruders in your land.
Although a radius distance is set as the area to scan, it will be limited to one parcel.
( Only detects intruders in the same land parcel where the house is rezzed. )
Please Note: The SCANNER management in the menu is for Owner-use only.
reviewing just to say...
OMG...Congratulations, Sergio!!
This is the 3° house I buy from your store and I am always really satisfyed with houses high quality.
Thanks for the demo stuff that allow us test the house in our property and congrats for the land showroom!!