G Général

*-*C-Outlet*-* Dariel Lounger Version painting

*-*C-Outlet*-* Dariel Lounger

2 prim painting (one painting and one shadow) with a black 'n' white modern colored painting. Abstract style and very beautiful.

Ideal for all types of home.

Item is modify and copy.

In case of any problems feel free contact: Crixus Domenici.

  • painting
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 18/4/2021 de icttis


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Nice Painting
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 24/4/2020 de Sarosa1996

Nice and big. Good enough to use for a blank space in an industrial kitchen.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 22/10/2019 de Kyan Logan

a really nice painting, thank you!

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 22/8/2018 de Kia Kiyori

..and MASSIVE! You need to 'edit linked' to reduce the size of the shadow and the picture individually.

But it's absolutely beautiful - thank you ♥

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Nice piece, heads up it's HUGE
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 9/4/2018 de alesauvage

This is a beautiful piece for cheap and low prim, but WHEW it's massive. You can only adjust the size by 'edit linked' fyi. Still worth getting even if you have to do the modding.

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